Friday, September 09, 2005

A celebration of underdogs........

All the recent brouhaha over Eric Khoo's latest production, "Be with me" amount to many plausible reasons, some of which have already been touched on in articles.
Every movie is an experience,and no experience can be complete without any intelluctual output from the viewer. His movie affected me in the simplest way, which i would like to further explain.

What Eric Khoo successfully captures in his movie is not only a single peepshow of people andtheir respective hardships. It is not simply a myopic view of how "some win and some lose." But rather he holistically presents the STAGES of how humans win or lose the struggle against despondency. We see the teenage girl's inability to cope with unrequited love. The clear underdog in a situation where her direction towards lesbianism counts for nothing next to a boy-girl relationship. However by attempting suicide, she CHOOSES to become an underdog within herself. In contrast, Theresa Chan has and still is winning that age-long battle against her disabilities. Furthermore, her choice to carry on living as per normal has made her a victor of her situationshe was thrown in.The seemingly uneducated man may have been the underdog in unsuccessfully expressing his feelings to the girl that would never learn of him personally. However,eventually, his sincerity and longingness won his internal battle against his battered self-esteem,through his proactive,perservering nature to pen the letter.

Amidst Eric koo's varying expressions of these characters, it stirs up a collective sentiment amongst the viewers, which is what truly celebrates the movie in all it's totality.

This sentiment the viewers share, points to one's personal reflection and subsequently coming to terms with ourselves. Perhaps this movie was meant to emcompass and share the difficulties of stereotypical characters.and the manner in which they dealt with it.

However, delving deeper, the movie is also pointing to the direction of us, as viewers being caught as situational underdogs. As much as each role was important in contributing to the gist of the movie,the entirety of the movie played an equally special role in being an effective trigger point for us as viewers to assess our lives,in terms of our reactions and actions when thrown into the postion of the underdog, in any disparate experience we've been put through.We may not directly understand how they might feel in those specific situations, but these stages of suffering,moments of weakness,glimpses of tenacity,or the taste of personal victory that we might have went through ourselves,when faced with adversity, does not differ much from the characters depicted at all.


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