Monday, May 02, 2005

The nemesis of one's inner voice: the fear of societal beliefs

It is this fear of being judged and ridiculed that inspires bloggers such as Jj's sister & (of course)many other blogpages i've come across,to hide behind a facade that allows them to put someone down. Something in real-life,they would never have the strength to do. I presume it's cumulative effect of doing so breeds this self-imposed bitterness and disgust at the world. Or what they perceive as *wrong* with people. She might be under the assumption that it is a form of ignorance to disregard all that she sees. But in this case,ignorance might be bliss; One of the more crucial factors that aid's one's maturity and self-development is the ability to be made aware of one's faults. But yet, this process of criticizing/mocking or *almost* anonymously,in the bid of feathering her self-worth(one that is highly questionable) is impending her mental growth.
I admit the above-mentioned fear is something i myself have yet to completely overcome. But by directing my comments specifically,its another step i have taken to defeat this fear. If only she would peel her eyes away from the computer,or remove herself from her perpetual,self-imposed *solitude* of her room,i could tell her what i THINK of her,STRAIGHT TO HER FACE. And therefore,it would mean that i would be a few more steps closer to conquering the grounds i tread with trepidation .
Oh if someone EVER DOES catch her out of this routine,please do tell her that to verbally-excoriate one behind his/her out of line with her "non-comformist" motto.


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