Monday, March 27, 2006


Every day I hear people
claiming they've lost control.
that they've lost hold on reality,
and I wonder,

did they ever really have it?

I've seen angels dance
on waves of logic.
I've held the hands of devils,
as they laid waste to the impure.
I've hunted with wolves,
for unspeakable prey.
and I don't claim to grasp reality.

The physical gives way
when one seeks control.

Owning your life means
defining your world.

I have forsaken, and live not in,
the world of my birth.

but that which I helped create.

Where magic exists
as a facet of fact,
and not some cold mythology.

Where men are gods by right,
and transcend enlightenment
to become their own truth in technology.

Don't you dare tell me what's real.
Mankind Cannot Handle Very Much Reality,
so let me cling to my laughable, obscure theology.


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